Interdisciplinary and Transnational Aspects, Stylistic Issues,
and Contemporary Extensions

International Conference
Université Libre de Bruxelles
Belgian Film Archive
From November 24th To 27th November 2009

Film Department of the Université Libre de Bruxelles (Master en écriture et analyse cinématographiques)
is pleased to announce the conference Revisiting Film Melodrama.

The goal of this international conference is to open the field to new historical perspectives,
to revisit the most viable ones, and to calibrate those lines of theory with theories of
cognition and emotion, philosophical investigations of suffering and pathos,
the mythic dimensions of the genre...

The Université Libre de Bruxelles would like to thank the Cinematek and the Service de Culture cinématographique
for their precious support. The conference is organized with the collaboration of CENA (Center for North-American Studies)
and the help of the FNRS as well as the Canadian Ministery of foreign affairs


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Site management : Olesya Lee

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